
Florida’s #1 resource for condo terminations

Your alternative to assessments

It’s a familiar story in Florida –

That older condo that looked like a great deal when you purchased it had a higher price tag than you thought. Now that recertifications and reserve requirements are coming into full effect, you might be on the hook for five or six digit assessments for necessary building repairs or condo reserves.

If you’re facing an assessment, the choices seem limited: pay a fortune to the condo association or sell your unit for under its value (if you can sell at all).

But there’s a third option - one that creates additional value for your unit while helping you avoid that assessment. It’s your escape hatch before you’re unable to pay for your own maintenance.

By coming together, unit owners can leverage their collective power to stop the financial drain.

We specialize in facilitating the communications and process to explore a condo buyout.

We use a proprietary process to assess the likelihood of a buyout being successful and estimate the value that your property could get.

Learn more about our free services

Why work with us?

  • No fee for you as unit owner

  • No obligation to sell until you sign a contract

  • Typical returns above market value

  • Limits your fiscal responsibility for future assessments

  • Support with relocation and selling

  • Over 20 years of real estate experience in Florida